


Review of the Symposium on ‘Implementation of the Seoul Domestic Worker Program and Desirable Implem

Partner attorney Shinyoung Choi moderated the symposium on “Implementation of the Seoul Domestic Worker Program and Desirable Implementation Measures.” The event, which aimed to examine various aspects of the Seoul Domestic Worker Program, which will be implemented in September, and to explore implementation measures, covered key issues such as the relationship with the minimum wage system, overseas legislative precedents, and visa and training measures. The symposium included a presentation on the minimum wage by attorney Inseon Cho, an introduction to overseas legislative precedents by attorney Soohyun Kim, and a proposal for visa and education by attorney Soyeon Jeong, and a general discussion on the application of the minimum wage, addressing the challenges of a low birthrate and aging population, and protecting the rights of foreign domestic workers.

Partner attorney Shinyoung Choi felt that various legal and institutional complements were needed for the successful establishment of the scheme, and emphasized the importance of designing a scheme tailored to Korean conditions by referring to overseas examples, particularly Singapore's approach to tax policy, which she noted could be adapted to Korea. In conclusion, he expressed his gratitude and hopes that the Korean Women's Lawyers Association will continue to provide a forum for discussion of important social issues, and expressed her commitment to actively participate in such efforts as a member of the organization. [Korean Women Lawyers Association - 2024.09.29]


URL: Review of the Symposium on ‘Implementation of the Seoul Domestic Worker Program and Desirable Implementation Measures’, Attorney Shinyoung Choi